Build ffmpeg from source with frei0r filter

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Compiling from source frei0r filter

Update OS:

yum update

Reboot OS:


Install the necessary components:

yum install autoconf automake bzip2 bzip2-devel cmake freetype-devel gcc gcc-c++ git libtool make mercurial pkgconfig zlib-devel

Go to the home directory:

cd ~

Download the source code frei0r:


Unpack the downloaded archive:

tar xzvf frei0r-plugins-1.6.1.tar.gz

Go to the downloaded directory:

cd frei0r-plugins-1.6.1

Launch the configurator:


Start the compilation frei0r:

cmake .
make install

Default prefix is `/usr/local`, target directory is `frei0r-1`.

A default `make install` as root will put the plugins into `/usr/local/lib/frei0r-1` unless the prefix path is specified. Most applications will look into that directory on GNU/Linux, or it should be possible to configure where to look for frei0r plugins.

This completes the build process of frei0r.

Install ffmpeg from source

Go to the home directory:

cd ~

Download ffmpeg source code:

git clone ffmpeg

Go to the downloaded directory:

cd ffmpeg

Run the ffmpeg configurator with the frei0r filter:

./configure --disable-x86asm --enable-frei0r --enable-gpl

Run build ffmpeg:

make install

This completes the build process of ffmpeg.

Checking the version and plugins:


Check the filter (for example, the effect of the glow):

ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vf frei0r=glow:1 output.mp4