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Line 106: Line 106:
For extended description refer to man virsh.
For extended description refer to man virsh.
Force kvm start. Could be usefull if you disabled selinux and machines were hiobernated before node reboot. so simply clean start:
virsh start <machinename> --force-boot
"[[Category:Admin area]]"
"[[Category:Admin area]]"

Revision as of 14:44, 29 September 2015


Show all OpenVZ containers:

vzlist -a

Show all OVZ templates:

 ls /vz/template/cache/

Stop container:

vzctl stop <vmID>

Srart container:

vzctl start <vmID>

Restart container:

vzctl restart <vmID>

Create container:

vzctl create <vmID>

More details about CT creation: http://openvz.org/Configuring_container_creation

ovz container creation example:

vzctl create 115 --ostemplate centos-6-x86

Remove container:

vzctl destroy

For extended description refer to man vzctl. Also we recommend to read Basic operations in OpenZV environment http://openvz.org/Basic_operations_in_OpenVZ_environment

get active vz containers count:

vzlist | wc -l

get containers disk usage in %

vzlist -a -H -o hostname,diskspace,diskspace.s,veid  | awk '{ printf( "%2.f%\t%s\t%s\n"), $2*100/$3, $4, $1}' | sort -r

get 10 top CPU openvz containers

ps -e h -o pid --sort -pcpu | head -10 | vzpid -  

show PID containerID owner, user, exe path:

ll /proc/<PID>  #or ls -l /proc/<PID>

show all containers load average:

vzlist -o ctid,laverage

SHow all possibly abusive containers. also show containers with RAM utilization/problems:


Show 10 top memory intensive processes:

ps -auxf | sort -nr -k 4 | head -10

Show 10 top CT's based on number of processes:

/usr/sbin/vzlist -H -o ctid,numproc|sort -r -n -k2|head

Show 10 top CT's based on socket usage:

/usr/sbin/vzstat -t -s sock|awk 'NF==10{print $0}'

Sort containers on TCP send /receive buffer usage:

vzlist -H -o ctid,tcpsndbuf |sort -r -n -k2
vzlist -H -o ctid,tcprcvbuf |sort -r -n -k2

Sort CT's based on inbound/outbound NW traffic:

vznetstat -r |awk '$3 ~ /G/ {print $0}'|sort -r -nk3
vznetstat -r |awk '$5 ~ /G/ {print $0}'|sort -r -nk5


Show all Virtual Machines (logical volumes):


Show state of Virtual Machines:

virsh list --all

Soft shutdown VM. This will sent shutdown command to VMs OS.

virsh shutdown kvm<ID>  #for example kvm101

Increase a VM's disk space

qemu-img resize vmdisk.img +10G

Soft reboot VM

virsh reboot kvm<ID>

Hard power off. This will be equal to unplugging power cord from physical machine.

virsh destroy kvm<ID>

Hard power on

virsh start kvm<ID>

For extended description refer to man virsh.

Force kvm start. Could be usefull if you disabled selinux and machines were hiobernated before node reboot. so simply clean start:

virsh start <machinename> --force-boot
