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'''Using pecl'''
The next  example shows how to use pecl for configure oci8 for Oracle.
The next  example shows how to use pecl for configure oci8 for Oracle.

Revision as of 16:10, 28 June 2014

To install php on Centos enter following command:

yum install php

To install php-mysql:

yum install php-mysql

Locate working php.ini:

php -i | grep 'Configuration File'

Create file phpinfo.php in web accessible directory, for example /var/www/html:

nano /var/www/html/phpinfo.php

Add following to the file and save it:


// Show all information, defaults to INFO_ALL


Now you can display php details using url http://YourIP/phpinfo.php

If you want to recompile php you can copy your current php settings under "Configure Command" in http://YourIP/phpinfo.php

Download source of your current php version, cd to the extracted folder and execute:

./configure --with-apxs2=/usr/bin/apxs2 --with-mysql=/usr --with-mysqli=/usr/bin/mysql_config --with-pgsql=/usr --with-tidy=/usr --with-curl=/usr/bin --with-curlwrappers --with-openssl-dir=/usr --with-xpm-dir=/usr --with-pdo-pgsql=/usr --with-pdo-mysql=/usr --with-xsl=/usr --with-ldap --with-xmlrpc --with-iconv-dir=/usr --with-snmp=/usr --enable-exif --enable-calendar --with-bz2=/usr --with-gd --with-jpeg-dir=/usr --with-png-dir=/usr --with-zlib-dir=/usr --with-freetype-dir=/usr --enable-zip --with-pear

This is an example command, you should edit components according to your needs. After configuring is accomplished, enter:

make install

Installing php5.5 with yum:

rpm -Uvh http://mirror.webtatic.com/yum/el6/latest.rpm
yum install php55w-devel php55w-mbstring php55w-mcrypt php55w-gd php55w-mysql php55w-xml


Using pecl

The next example shows how to use pecl for configure oci8 for Oracle.

Install php packages needed for Oracle:

rpm -Uvh http://mirror.webtatic.com/yum/el6/latest.rpm
yum install php55w php55w-opcache  php55w-devel  php55w-pear

check installed packahes should be like this:

yum list installed | grep php
 php55w.x86_64                    5.5.13-2.w6                         @webtatic  
 php55w-cli.x86_64                5.5.13-2.w6                         @webtatic  
 php55w-common.x86_64             5.5.13-2.w6                         @webtatic  
 php55w-devel.x86_64              5.5.13-2.w6                         @webtatic  
 php55w-gd.x86_64                 5.5.13-2.w6                         @webtatic  
 php55w-mcrypt.x86_64             5.5.13-2.w6                         @webtatic  
 php55w-opcache.x86_64            5.5.13-2.w6                         @webtatic  
 php55w-pear.noarch               1:1.9.4-7.w6                        @webtatic

Install Developmnet tools (we need c++ complier to use pecl) :

yum groupinstall "Development tools" 

Install oci8. take a lok into a oracle home directory:

   -bash: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/xe: is a directory 

copy the value of oracle home directory and paste when prompted on the next step:

 pecl install oci8

After your should add "extension=oci8.so" to php.ini Check if it's installed with php -i:

php -i | grep oci8
 oci8.connection_class => no value => no value
 oci8.default_prefetch => 100 => 100
 oci8.events => Off => Off
 oci8.max_persistent => -1 => -1
 oci8.old_oci_close_semantics => Off => Off
 oci8.persistent_timeout => -1 => -1
 oci8.ping_interval => 60 => 60
 oci8.privileged_connect => Off => Off
 oci8.statement_cache_size => 20 => 20