Red5 media server on Centos install/configure

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How to install red5 the Open Source Media Server.

1. Install ant

yum install ant

2. We will place the red5 home directory in /var/www/

cd /var/www
tar zxvf red5-1.0.1.tar.gz
mv red5-server-1.0 red5
rm red5-1.0.1.tar.gz
screen -S red5
cd /var/www/red5

Now you can close this ssh session and start the new one. Java sn running in a background. After the server reboot you need to perform the following actions to start red5:

screen -S red5
cd /var/www/red5

To access webif type in your browser http://YourIP:5080

Tested on Centos 6 VPS.